Why working out isn’t the hard bit

That right it’s not turning up for a workout a couple of times a week that is difficult, it’s what happens in between!

This where most people fall down when trying to get in shape.

If you did 3 workouts a week that accounts for 3 hours of your week. 

The big question is are you focussed and motivated for the other 165 hours of that week?

Does that 165 hours include time to ensure your NEAT (Non exercise activity thermogenesis) is high. This is other activity that burns calories that isn't a formalised workout. I always encourage a high step target to hit.

Are you getting enough sleep? 6-8 hours is recommended.

Are you drinking enough water to keep you hydrated? Your body needs water to function correctly especially for digestion and fat burning.

Of course the big one is NUTRITION!  Are you getting enough protein? Are you maintaining a calorie deficit whilst still getting adequate nutrients?

Don’t you agree this seems a lot more difficult than just working out 3 times a week!

This is why I run my 30 day and 8 week programs. 

As well as dealing with the workouts I can support, educate and motivate you through the other 165 hours hours left of the week!

I actually have a 8 week program starting in September and there’s still time to get involved

Heres what to expect...
Personalised targets
Shopping list
Weekly Check-ins
Accountability Group
Workouts you can do at home or in the gym
Results tracker
Flexibility to choose activities and even food types
Transforming your mind and body
Awesome results!
confidence and knowledge to move forward and continue your journey.

You receive personalised targets for you to achieve on a daily and weekly basis. To help you do this you get full support and accountability from me! For more info and to get your spot click here


How to enjoy a night out and stay on plan


7 Ways to hit your step target