How to enjoy a night out and stay on plan

I posted these photos to my Instagram stories recently and it made people quite interested in what I was saying….

After the surprise that a PT was planning to go out and enjoy himself, people realised that I had figured out how to do it without compromising my long term goals. (and not feeling guilty!).

As the 2nd photo shows i had a plan, leading up to the “occasion” I lowered the calories I got from carbs and fats as I knew I would probably get plenty later on.

I also made sure I got a workout in beforehand.

In addition I increased my NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis) which in my case meant an increase in steps.

The day after? I get back on it and follow the same principle as I did before which should help bring my averages back in line.

This is just one of the strategies I employ with clients inside the 30 day and 8 week programs.

The next 30 Day Program is starting on Monday 7th November. You can find more info in this link .


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