7 Ways to hit your step target

I include a step target for most of my clients as the amount of steps you do in a day contribute to your body's NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis). These are calories burned throughout the day through your body's natural processes such as digesting food. 

10000 steps could burn 350 - 450 calories and that could be enough to achieve a calorie deficit and therefore lose weight.

Even better, you won’t really need any recovery like you would after a workout! 

Here’s some suggestions to increase your daily step total…..


  1. Walk around the block - take a break from your desk a couple of times a day. (A 10 min walk is about 1000 steps.)

  2. Walk to work - Or part way to work, whether you park further away or get off the bus earlier the steps will all add up!

  3. Add a 20 min walk to a gym workout - tag on a fast walk on the treadmill for 20 mins 

  4. Early morning walk - Get up earlier, make a coffee and take it with you! this will also give you increased focus and energy for the rest of the day! 

  5. Go to a shopping centre - Indulge in some retail therapy around your local shopping centre. a couple of hours browsing could add up some serious steppage!

  6. Walk the school run -  Try leaving the car and walking to and from school to drop off and collect the kids.

  7. At home activity - easy 10 mins burst(or even ad breaks) of light jogging on the spot, marching or easy jump jacks.


Why working out isn’t the hard bit


Get the basics right!