Effective Training Strategies for Summer Fat Loss

Welcome back to our four-part blog series aimed at dropping body fat for the summer. (if you missed the first part you can find it here) Now that you've set the foundation for your journey, it's time to explore effective training strategies that will help maximise fat loss and improve your physique. In this post, we'll focus on incorporating specific workouts and training techniques to accelerate your progress.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):

  1. HIIT is a powerful training method that alternates short bursts of intense exercise with brief recovery periods. It's an excellent way to burn calories, boost your metabolism, and increase fat oxidation. Incorporate HIIT workouts into your routine by combining exercises like sprinting, burpees, jumping jacks, and mountain climbers. Start with a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio and gradually increase the intensity and duration as your fitness improves.

Resistance Training:

  1. Don't overlook the importance of resistance training in your fat loss journey. Building lean muscle mass through resistance training not only improves your physique but also increases your resting metabolic rate, allowing you to burn more calories throughout the day. Include compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, lunges, bench presses, and rows in your workouts. Aim for 2-3 strength training sessions per week, focusing on challenging weights and proper form.

Circuit Training:

  1. Circuit training is a time-efficient and effective way to combine cardiovascular and strength training exercises. Create a circuit by selecting 5-10 exercises targeting different muscle groups and performing them back-to-back with minimal rest. This continuous movement keeps your heart rate elevated, burns calories, and engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Examples of circuit exercises include jumping jacks, push-ups, planks, kettlebell swings, and jumping rope.

Incorporate Active Rest:

  1. During your training sessions, consider incorporating active rest periods instead of complete rest. Instead of sitting or lying down between sets, engage in light activities that keep you moving. For example, perform jumping jacks, jog in place, or do dynamic stretches. This approach keeps your heart rate elevated, increases calorie burn, and maintains the intensity of your workouts.

Increase Training Frequency:

  1. To accelerate fat loss, consider increasing your training frequency. Instead of relying solely on a few long workouts per week, spread your training sessions throughout the week. This approach keeps your metabolism elevated and allows for greater calorie burning. Aim for 5-6 training sessions per week, alternating between cardio and strength training exercises.

Incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT), resistance training, circuit training, active rest, and increasing training frequency are effective strategies to optimise fat loss and achieve your summer body goals. Remember to prioritise proper form, gradually increase the intensity, and allow for adequate recovery between sessions. Stay tuned for the next blog post, where we'll dive into the nutrition aspect of dropping body fat for the summer.

I use these training principles as part of my group fitness sessions, 1 to 1 and 8 Week Programs for more info check here


Nutrition Strategies for Summer Fat Loss


Getting Started on Your Fat Loss for Summer Journey